

I am delighted as the Calgary Arab Arts & Culture Society approaches its 11th year of existence. With a team of dedicated volunteers, we have been exhibiting resilience and art forms that tell the story of the Arab people, here and overseas, adding to the cultural mosaic of this amazing place.
Over the past decade, we have presented films at our festivals; initiated “popcorn and skype” and “Canadian Eye on the Arab World” nights; flew filmmakers across the globe; brought to town standup comedians; and went from a small boutique festival to a big festival that has solid partnerships with like-minded festivals, such as the Calgary International Film Festival, the European Film Festival, the Calgary Justice Film Festival, and most recently the Okotoks Film Festival.
We have sent delegates to the Toronto Film Festival; one of our board members is the board chairperson of the Calgary Justice Film Festival; another board member is the founder and artistic director of Kawalease ACT – The Arab Canadian Theatre; and another is the Founder of the Arabic radio show, Calgary Arabia.